Adult Bunk Beds

We stock a wide range of Adult Bunk Beds that are actually made for Adults and growing teens where weight capacity doesn’t have to be so much of a consideration compared to the normal Kids Bunk Beds you find.

Adult Bunk Beds can vary in stated weight capacity, but at Bunk Beds Australia we generally consider a Bunk Bed to be an Adult Bunk Bed where the stated capacity is atleast 120kg or more. Some are even up to 300kg.

Essentially, Adult Bunk Beds are sturdier and built in a way to provide additional strength to handle the use that Bunk Beds designed for children do not.

Adult Bunk Beds are a popular choice for growing teenagers, but also for Beach Houses and Holiday Houses where you want to sleep a larger number of people in a smaller area.

We have an extensive history selling Bunk Beds all around Australia and we’ve curated a selection of Bunk Beds that are suitable for Adults based on that experience below.

Product categories

Product Bed Sizing


Showing 1–36 of 47 results

Showing 1–36 of 47 results